DBC stands for Documentation-Based Care, a science and evidence-based approach to treating chronic neck and back pain. The DBC programme offers individualised treatment based on individual patient assessment, ensuring the best methods of rehabilitation for you.
Beyond manual therapy alone, the programme aims to change peoples’ lives physically, psychologically, emotionally and physiologically, decreasing pain, reducing the use of medications, increasing motion and endurance, reducing pain and fear, and avoiding unnecessary surgeries.
Originating in Finland, the DBC programme has been developed over the last 20 years, with a network that spans 22 countries on 5 continents today. Amongst other methods, the programme has been tested through clinical trials on more than 70 000 patients worldwide, providing exceptional evidence for the programme’s efficacy.
After an average of 3-6 weeks of treatment, the DBC programme has an impressive success rates that exceeds 85%, and further back or neck problems are extremely rare.
Many South African medical aid plans pay for DBC sessions out of a Risk Management Fun, and AHA Medical is the only practice in South Africa that offers the DBC programme.
Get in touch with us today to find out if the DBC programme can help you towards a happier, healthier lifestyle, and find out more about the programme on our website.